



Phi Phenomenon

Binaural Beat

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are brainstem responses to the interaction of two different frequencies heard in either ear. (The Monroe Institute, 2004)
Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment is becoming a booming industry. Two years ago when I first started looking into the phenomenon, I struggled to find information, but now, the amount of info available on the web is amazing. Every day there are new resources both free and for sale on how to use and make these perceived sounds. What it all boils down to is using simple sine waves of different frequencies in the left and right ear (usually through stereo headphones) to create a separate frequency of the difference between the two frequencies. When using these frequencies for brainwave entrainment it is best to keep the difference or binaural beat within the frequencies of desired brain function.

There are four basic frequency groups to shoot for when using binaural beats for altered consciousness.

.5Hz - 4Hz (Delta) is considered to be a state of deep relaxation or sleep. It is also considered regenerative and the range for transendental meditation

4Hz - 8Hz (Theta) is considered to be a state of drowsiness and also the range for trance and intuitive states of consciousness

8Hz - 14Hz (Alpha)is considered to be a relaxed, but alert state and can be good for light meditation

14Hz - 30Hz (Beta)is considered to be a highly alert and focused state. Most awake and functionaing at a high level (multi-tasking)happens in the range of 16-20Hz

Open the following frequencies in separate windows so you can play them together to hear the different binaural beats. To get a binaural beat of 5Hz, you could open the Left at 60Hz and the Right at 65Hz to get a difference of 5Hz. Try Right at 60Hz and Left at 80Hz and hear the difference. You can mix and match, just do the math to figure out what the beat frequency is. Pay attention to the left and right frequencies. It is best to try this with stereo headphones, but if you don't have any handy, you will still hear the beat frequency, but it will be a monaural beat (auditory perception) rather than a binaural beat (temporal stimulation)

Left channel frequencies

Left at 60Hz

Left at 65Hz

Left at 70Hz

Left at 75Hz

Left at 80Hz

Left at 85Hz

Right channel frequencies

Right at 60Hz

Right at 65Hz

Right at 70Hz

Right at 75Hz

Right at 80Hz

Right at 85Hz